Speech Therapy Services
Stuttering For Children & Adults
Speech consists of disfluencies such as repeating parts of words, holding a sound for a long time, or experiencing difficulty getting a sound or word out. We take a synergistic approach to support the behavioural aspect (the physical stutter), attitudes and beliefs, and environmental impact on someone who stutters. We can support stuttering from 3 years of age to adulthood
Autism &
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
We provide services for children with neurodevelopmental disorders including Down syndrome, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Global Developmental Delay (GDD) and ASD. We work collaboratively with families and other team members to support their development and communication goals.
Parent Coaching
We support parents/caregivers to learn and implement strategies to support their child’s communication goals. Parents/Caregivers take an active role during sessions with their child as a speech language pathologist provides support to facilitate activities and strategies.
Social Skills
Social communication involves verbal and non-verbal skills. It includes the reason we use language (e.g. greeting, informing, requesting, commenting, joint attention) and pragmatics of social interactions. Intervention may use concepts from the Social Thinking curriculum when appropriate.
Language Delay
Therapy can help children who have difficulty understanding spoken or written language (receptive) and/or presents difficulty with how they use language (expressive). This also includes “Late Talkers” where a child’s expressive language is delayed, analytical language development, or gestalt language development.
Articulation/Motor Speech
If your child has difficulty saying certain sounds and words, we can help improve the clarity of their speech.
Motor speech refers to any difficulty with programming or planning the sequence of muscles to produce sounds and words.
Early Literacy Skills
This refers to skills such as rhyming, letter/sound association, and narrative language.
Play Skills
We can support your child if they have limited play interests, repetitive play (e.g. play the same way over and over again), reduced conventional play, expand their play, and improve their play flexibility (balancing their lead vs. following others’ play ideas).